A workplace injury is terrible for so many reasons. Not only does it negatively impact the employee who was injured, but it can lead to increased workers’ compensation and hospital fees, a slower return to the workplace due to unnecessary medical treatments, and lower a company’s safety record. However, many of these variables can be removed or significantly decreased with proper management programs and health services. OccuMed provides a wide range of programs that can help create an even safer and more productive workplace or work site for healthcare facilities, construction sites, and other places of employment and educational facilities. Trying to figure out the best services to fit your company’s needs? OccuMed offers five main categories of onsite services.


Drug and Alcohol Screenings

On average, an employer will spend anywhere between $135 and $175 to send an employee offsite for a drug or alcohol screening. However, OccuMed can save you upwards of 75% of that cost and get your employees back to work in fifteen minutes with onsite drug and alcohol testing, which guarantee compliance with contractual and insurance requirements.


Emergency Responders and Paramedics

A quick response to a medical emergency or injury can be the difference between a quick or prolonged recovery. OccuMed follows strict state and federal regulations, as well as OSHA guidelines, to offer a site comprehensive and trustworthy medical aid. Should an injury occur at the site, our emergency responder can assess the situation quickly, provide any necessary care at that moment, and potentially avoid an unnecessary emergency room visit.


Health Professionals

Oftentimes, work-imposed limitations prevent employees from taking time off to visit a doctor for noticeable issues, and many will not even bother going in the first place. Unfortunately, this can lead to undiagnosed and untreated ailments that could negatively impact an employee’s health. However, OccuMed can work with your company to offer a licensed healthcare professional to visit for a portion of the workday, allowing employees to discuss health concerns without having to take time off work, therefore decreasing absenteeism and increasing productivity. Our health professionals can offer a variety of services, including general health screenings and cold and flu treatment.


Mobile Clinics

Does your workplace or work site potentially require medical care in a flexible or changing setting? OccuMed’s mobile clinic can help. Whether your project is remote, widespread, temporary, or may require a quick medical response, we can help. OccuMed will work with your company to figure out everything and anything you may need, and we will stock our mobile trailers with the tools to provide your employees with proper medical care if the need arises. Should a medical concern go above what our trailer is capable to treat onsite, we are affiliated with local clinics to provide further treatment.


Respirator Fit Testing and Medical Evaluations

Now more than ever, it is important to follow guidelines to ensure proper respirator fits. Following OSHA guidelines, OccuMed will assist in fit testing to guarantee that your employees are wearing the right size and model respirators to protect themselves against contaminants in the workplace. These tests take approximately fifteen to twenty minutes, and must be performed at least annually.

To make sure your employees are in good enough health to use a respirator, they must undergo a free comprehensive medical evaluation provided by the employer. Respirators are not suggested for everyone because they can make breathing more difficult, so the medical evaluation will help the employer determine if the potential wearer is in good enough health.


For more information about our onsite medical services and to request a quote, click here.


If you have concerns about your workforce and coronavirus, please contact us today to learn about steps you can take to protect yourself, your family, and your employees. We offer the following COVID-19 safety service options:

COVID-19 Consulting Bundle: Written directive/policy on requirements which can be either a corporate policy or a site-specific policy.

COVID-19 Training (Infection Control Webinar): We offer Open Enrollment Classes and Private Company Sponsored Classes made available at your convenience.

COVID-19 Testing: COVID-19 Testing Services for Colleges, Universities, Private Companies, And Public Agencies are available. We now offer Pick Up/Drop Off COVID-19 Testing at our Canton, MA location.