OccuMed Occupational Healthworks, an EquipNet company, was contracted by the Connecticut Department of Public Health to provide on-site respirator fit testing to Skilled Nursing Facilities within the counties of Tolland, Windham, and New London. This landing page was created to help your facility begin scheduling this fully state-funded service.
To ensure success, we’ve provided some additional information on our process and requirements below.
1.) Before testing, staff must present proof of medical clearance. This usually occurs in the form of a Medical Evaluation Questionnaire (MEQ) filled out by the individual and then approved by a PLHCP. It is acceptable to obtain medical clearance by a qualified co-worker within your facility; consultation with one’s primary care physician is not necessary. To download our printable MEQ, please click HERE
2.) Each facility is expected to provide N95 respirators to perform fit testing with. OccuMed will not provide respirators under any circumstance.
3.) To ensure a valid test, all staff undergoing testing must be completely free of any and all facial hair. It is also strongly recommended that staff refrain from eating, drinking flavored beverages, or smoking at least 15 minutes prior to testing.
We look forward to combating the spread of infectious diseases and contributing to a safer, healthier environment for both staff and patients.